Arrow x Zoe

Standard Labradoodle Puppies born May 9th

Available Labradoodle Puppies


Zoe’s guardian family requested an eighty’s theme for her litter and given that doodle hair and eighties rock band hair is pretty much the same thing I think it is a perfect idea!! So... introducing our EightiesDoods! These puppies sired by Arrow will be standard size (average 50-60 lbs) with wavy or curly fleece coats that likely will be minimal shedding*.  These puppies have potential to be service work/pet therapy dogs, work in the field retrieving upland game or waterfowl, compete in dog sports, and of course be exceptional family pets. They will be ready to join their new families on July 4th.  Selection takes place when the puppies turn 6 weeks old AFTER THE PUPPIES HAVE COMPLTED APTITUDE TESTING (we do not know which puppies are available before this time). Visit our Purchasing Details page from more information about what is included with each of our exceptional puppies, to read more about the selection process and to fill out an application.

THREE open deposits available!

*It is important to understand that no one can be 100 % certain what a Labradoodle’s permanent adult coat will look like until they are at least 18-24 months of age.  Their coats can and will changecolorand type between birth and adulthood. They change a lot in the puppy’s first few months of life, and will go through 2-3 more distinct phases before reaching its permanent coat type. During these changes, you may experience some increased shedding. Through our experience we compare their puppy coat to our previous puppies as well as the coat traits of the parents we can genetically test for and make an approximation of their adult coat type, including the amount of shedding the puppy may have as an adult. Because many factors that influence shedding are un-testable at this time, they are out of our control. Therefore we make no guarantee that our approximations will be correct in regards to shedding.